8Albe Contemporary Art Overview by Dimora delle Balze

Video Art Program
Second edition

Video Art Program
Second edition 2024

Curated by Carolina Ciuti

The second edition of 8 albe, titled “Between the ripples: reflections of an oceanic history”, will explore the theme of water and the ocean through the work of international artists, using languages ranging from documentary to fiction. The video art program will consist of four evenings of screenings on August 1, 8, 22, and 29.

The ocean represents a complex entity, a vast abyss that eludes unambiguous definitions. In a conceptual continuum with the past edition of 8 albe, this video review aims to explore it as a natural element, a cultural device, and a stage for infinite exchanges.

The ocean is not just a mass of water that covers much of our planet. It is a symbol of immensity and mystery, a dimension that embodies the power of nature and its capacity for regeneration and destruction. Culturally, the ocean has inspired myths, legends, and narratives, serving as a metaphor for the unknown and the infinite. Exploring the ways it has been represented in the history of art and literature, contrasting visions emerge: on the one hand, a place of peace and reflection; on the other, a theater of danger and adventure.
Despite its vastness and importance, the ocean remains one of the least explored environments on the planet. Currently, it is estimated that only 5 percent of the seafloor has been accurately mapped and studied. The seafloor is a treasure trove of biodiversity and holds invaluable natural resources, but it is also vulnerable to human activities and climate change.

Through a chorus of voices and artistic languages that combine documentary, essay, and speculative fiction, this video review unites several possible ocean stories, inviting the viewer to consider not only its beauty but also its mystery and challenges. The ocean is a vital element of our world, a crossroads of cultures, and a stage for human stories, but also a crucial indicator of the health of our politics and our planet.


Inauguration // by reservation
From 9.30 pm to 11 pm
From 9.30 pm to 11 pm
From 9.30 pm to 11 pm

Closing performance
From 9.30 pm to 11 pm

*All screenings are available by reservation
Daniel García Andújar El juguete de los hados, 2023, 6’25’’
Aimée Zito Lemac The Sea as Common Ground (From a Wave Point of View),2022, 12’
Basim Magdy The Everyday Ritual of Solitude Hatching Monkeys, 2014, 13’22’’
- No Shooting Stars, 2016, 14’25’’
Fito Conesa Anoxia, Un preludio constante, 2023, 25' (produced by the Territorial Centers of the Public Systems of the Visual Arts Equipment of Catalonia, Santa Mònica, the Department of Culture of the Generalitat of Catalonia and LOOP Barcelona)
Johanna Billing This Is How We Walk on the Moon, 2007, 27’20’’
Enrique Ramírez Cruzar un muro, 2012, 5’12’’ - Lauso la mare e tente’n terro, 2014, 14’22’’
Camila Beltrán Pacífico Oscuro, 2020, 10’
Regina de Miguel Aguas intoxicadas, cometas nunca más vistos y una reunión de suicidas, 2021, 42’16’’
Julian Charrière Iroojrilik, 2016, 21’30’’ (Thyssen-Bornemisza Art Contemporary-TBA21 collection)
Himali Singh Soin in collaboration with David Soin Tappese We are opposite like that (2017-2022) 10’22’’ (Commissioned and produced by Thyssen-Bornemisza Art Contemporary-TBA21)

Support and promote the development of contemporary art in Sicily and southern Italy

Contemporary Art Exhibition
8 albe, a project founded by Dimora delle Balze, is an annual contemporary art exhibition that will develop three main thematic areas: nature, time and the dream world. With the creation of exhibition itineraries, video projections and conferences organized in collaboration with different entities each time, the contemporary art exhibition will explore, year after year, the three main themes, all closely connected to the place where this project was born and to the its natural composition.

First edition:
Four Roots. Notes on an idea of ​​kinship
By Carolina Ciuti
First edition
Bárbara Sánchez Barroso & Adriana Vila Guevara The Knots We Knot [I nodi che annodiamo], 2022, 8’
Jonathas de Andrade TNó na Garganta [Nodo in gola], 2022 38’. Cortesia della Fondazione In Between Art Film e Galleria Continua
Rachel Rose, Lake Valley, 2016, 8’25’’ Cortesia dell’artista e della galleria Pilar Corrias (Londra)
Anna Dot Siskin or a Speculative Study on the Possibility of a Language of Plants [Siskin o uno studio speculativo sulla possibilità di un linguaggio delle piante], 2018, 10’
Bárbara Sánchez Barroso Botanical Dream [Sogno botanico], 2022, 5’40’’
Pedro Torres Enhebra el futuro con el susurro del pasado [Intreccia il futuro con il sussurro del passato], 2021, 15’50’’
Valentina Alvarado Matos Se puede deletrear la hoja? [È possibile sillabare la foglia?], 2022, 08’03’’
Valentina Alvarado Matos El levantamiento de una isla [L’innalzamento di un’isola], 2017, 5’27’’
Adriana Vila Guevara Habitar los silencios [Abitare i silenzi], 3’10’’
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